Saturday, July 12, 2008

Time of changing moments called Life...

Time is changing with every moment and moments are also changing with time. These changing moments will last only some time and time of new moments will come.

In this changing time there are some moments which are still hanging there. Moments which refuses to change, refuses to die and that makes this change interesting. Thousands of moments later these moments are still alive among thousands new moments and thus creating a new sea of change. A change about which only time knows how much change it will bring.

Time will change and moment will change. Perhaps the change will also change, still there are some changes which are not change. They are moments that makes life worth living. A life full of moments, full of changes, full of changing moments. Some moments are full of life, other are full of changes.

Still there is a thing which is called time, which changes every moment but does not necessary change anything. It just keeps a watch on changing moments. Sometimes times resists change; all sorts of changes, good, bad and ugly. It keeps a dossier of moments and it hates when someone plays with its prize possession. But it loves to change moments it self. Perhaps when the right time of change comes.

But where do I fit in all this madness? I am the moment which were full of life, I am the change in changing moment. I am the time which resists change. I am the life which is nothing but change. I am the moments which will never die. I am all moments that never took place. I am the time which will come and change everything. I am the wish that wishes that time of changing moment will come. I am the hope that some moments will never timeout.

I am the moment... I am the change... I am the time... I am the wish... I am the hope... I am the life.

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